Thursday, December 31, 2009

I was reading in the book of second kings about the Jewish prophet Elisha and I noticed something. Elisha was brought 20 loaves of bread and he told those who brought it to feed the 100 prophets that were with him. Of course the people who brought the bread new that the bread could not feed that many but at the prophet's encouragement went ahead and started serving. To their supprise there was food left over. Now for my thought. In the gospels Jesus Christ is brought 5 loaves of bread and two fish, a boys lunch. He then has the group of 5k men (and their wives and children) sit down. He blesses the food and starts breaking it into peices to be served. When he is done breaking the food into pieces all 5k men + are full and their are twelve baskets left over. Jesus did a repeat of a "great miricle". But he didn't just copy it so those around would say this man is as great as Elisha. He blew it out of the water. 100:20 vs 5K:7 is a huge difference. He was telling all of the witnesses there, especially anyone who had read the histories that not only was he as great as Elisha, but that He was so far above him that He was in a class all by himself. I just thought this was a neat parrallel. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I had never noticed that point! Thanks for the wisdom..I see it has been as long since I checked your blog as it has been since you wrote on it.
