Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Generosity of Friends

I wanted to share with you all about the generosity of some of people with whom I attend Church. Our youth group sent twelve contestants in nine different events to the district Fine Arts competition in Springfield. They competed in a drum solo, trio, chior, human video, small ensamble, large ensamble, puppets, and two male solos. All the twelve of the students were invited to the National competition in Orlando, Florida, in six of the events. They decided not to have 'fundraisers' to pay for their trip to Orlando. Instead, they have been ministering out to other congregations all around the area. The impact on the churches and the students lives has been amazing to watch. The cost of the trip for twenty-one people would have been around six thousand dollars; however, two families in the church who own time shares have donated their points, effectively cutting the cost in half. They were able to secure three two bedroom condos for the youth group. One is two miles from the convention center and the others are five miles. I realize that this may not have the same wow factor as someone writing a huge check, but in a church of about twenty-five families; this to me is amazing. God is good all the time. All the time, God is good.

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