Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Pronouns and Philosophy

I was using some spacial referencing today and a thought crossed my mind. While I continued to interpret my brain took a rabbit trail and considered how visual languages are the only languages that can use an overabundance of pronouns and still not confuse the 'listener'. I can talk about Dad, Mom, my brother, his wife, my wife and my kids and continue to refer to them in the rest of the conversation without having to repeatedly clarify which him/her I am talking about. My kids are down and to the right in a them pronoun. My wife is directly right. I place Mom and Dad on my right front side and my brother and his wife on my left side and off we go. For those beginning signers out there remember God is up and the devil is down. And whichever side you put God on (right/left), leave him there. I'm confused if He moves around too much. Anyway, I also was using a grouping of good things on my left and unpleasant things on my right. I realized that I always put the good on my left and the bad on my right. I wonder why that is. Maybe I'm stuck in a rut. But if I change, would I be able to remember which is right and wrong, left and right? I wonder what other ruts I am in that I don't recognize? You? Something to think about.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are right! Left! Right! Ummm...well, just glad to know I get a spot in the groupings!
